Herbal Glossary of Organic Herbal Remedies

Discover the Benefits of Natures Medicine
Welcome to our MamaSeed Natural´s Herbal Glossary, a personal journey through the world of medicinal plants grown with love and dedication in our own garden in the Algarve Region in South Portugal. Here, you'll find detailed information on the organic herbs we've carefully cultivated, each nurtured using lunar gardening practices and adapted to our unique climate with water-wise irrigation. We've thoughtfully adjusted nature's cycles to suit our hot region, ensuring every plant thrives. Discover the magic of nature's medicine and the myriad benefits of our herbal remedies. We hope this guide inspires you to cultivate your own healing garden and embrace the sacred power of plant medicine.
Artemisia (Artemisia annua and Artemisia vulgaris)
Description: Artemisia, also known as wormwood, features feathery leaves and small, clustered flowers. It has a strong, bitter smell.
Planting Season: Spring
Harvesting Season: Late summer to early autumn
Asthma and Anti-Spasmodic: Used for bronchodilatory properties, treating asthma, and has anti-spasmodic properties for menstrual pain relief.
Malaria Treatment: Contains artemisinin, effective against malaria, and has antimicrobial properties.
Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory: Offers antioxidant benefits and may help with arthritis and inflammation.
Blue Cornflower (Centaurea cyanus)
Description: Blue Cornflower is known for its vivid blue petals and slender stems. It has a mild, slightly sweet fragrance. Planting Season: Early spring
Harvesting Season: Summer
Eye Health: Treats eye infections like conjunctivitis and reduces eye puffiness.
Mental Health: Drinking cornflower tea can ease anxiety and reduce stress.
Digestive Health: Boosts bile production, aiding digestion and alleviating constipation.
Blue Vervain (Verbena hastata)
Description: Blue Vervain has slender, upright stems with small blue or purple flowers. It has a mild, slightly bitter scent. Planting Season: Spring
Harvesting Season: Summer
Nervous System Support: Alleviates stress and anxiety.
Respiratory Health: Relieves respiratory conditions.
Digestive Health: Promotes digestive health.
Borage (Borago officinalis)
Description: Borage has star-shaped blue flowers and hairy leaves. It has a mild, cucumber-like scent.
Planting Season: Spring
Harvesting Season: Summer
Anti-inflammatory: Reduces pain and inflammation.
Skin Health: Heals skin conditions.
Hormonal Balance: Supports hormonal health.
Burdock (Arctium lappa)
Description: Burdock has large, heart-shaped leaves and purple flowers with prickly burs. It has a slightly sweet, earthy scent. Planting Season: Spring
Harvesting Season: Late summer to early autumn
Detoxification: Promotes liver health and detoxification.
Skin Health: Heals skin conditions like eczema.
Digestive Health: Alleviates digestive disorders.
Calendula (Calendula officinalis)
Description: Calendula has bright orange or yellow flowers. It has a slightly peppery, herbal scent.
Planting Season: Spring
Harvesting Season: Summer
Skin Health: Heals skin irritations and wounds.
Anti-inflammatory: Reduces pain and inflammation.
Immune System Support: Enhances the immune system.
Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla)
Description: Chamomile has small, daisy-like flowers with white petals and yellow centers. It has a sweet, apple-like fragrance. Planting Season: Spring
Harvesting Season: Late spring to early summer
Anxiety and Stress Reduction: Acts as a mild sedative, calming nerves.
Improves Digestion: Treats gastrointestinal disturbances.
Anti-inflammatory and Pain Reduction: Known as "herbal aspirin," it reduces pain and swelling.
Comfrey (Symphytum officinale)
Description: Comfrey has large, hairy leaves and bell-shaped purple or white flowers. It has a mild, slightly earthy scent. Planting Season: Spring
Harvesting Season: Summer
Wound Healing: Promotes healing of wounds and fractures.
Anti-inflammatory: Reduces pain and inflammation.
Skin Health: Heals skin irritations.
Geranium (Pelargonium species)
Description: Geraniums have rounded, often serrated leaves and clusters of small flowers in various colors. They have a strong, sometimes spicy scent.
Planting Season: Spring
Harvesting Season: Summer
Skin Health: Heals skin irritations.
Anti-inflammatory: Reduces pain and inflammation.
Mental Health: Eases stress and anxiety.
Great Mullein (Verbascum thapsus)
Description: Great Mullein has large, fuzzy leaves and tall spikes of yellow flowers. It has a mild, slightly earthy scent. Planting Season: Spring
Harvesting Season: Summer
Respiratory Health: Relieves respiratory conditions.
Anti-inflammatory: Reduces pain and inflammation.
Skin Health: Heals skin irritations.
Jasmine (Jasminum officinale)
Description: Jasmine has small, white, highly fragrant flowers and glossy green leaves.
Planting Season: Spring
Harvesting Season: Summer
Mental Health: Eases stress and anxiety.
Skin Health: Heals skin irritations.
Digestive Health: Alleviates digestive disorders.
Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)
Description: Lavender features purple flowers and narrow, green leaves. It has a sweet, floral fragrance.
Planting Season: Spring
Harvesting Season: Summer
Sleep Improvement: Enhances sleep quality.
Wound Healing: Reduces inflammation and aids in healing.
Pain Relief: Helps reduce the perception of pain.
Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis)
Description: Lemon Balm has heart-shaped leaves with a mild lemon scent. It produces small white flowers.
Planting Season: Spring
Harvesting Season: Summer
Diabetes Management: Reduces blood sugar levels.
Anxiety and Mood Improvement: Combats anxiety and improves mood.
Herpes Treatment: Treats herpes virus when applied topically.
Lemon Verbena (Aloysia citrodora)
Description: Lemon Verbena has lance-shaped leaves with a strong lemon scent. It produces small white or purple flowers. Planting Season: Spring
Harvesting Season: Summer
Digestive Health: Relieves digestive disorders.
Anti-inflammatory: Reduces pain and inflammation.
Immune System Support: Acts as a tonic for the immune system.
Malva (Malva sylvestris)
Description: Malva, or mallow, has rounded leaves and pink or purple flowers. It has a mild, slightly sweet scent.
Planting Season: Spring
Harvesting Season: Summer
Respiratory Health: Relieves respiratory conditions.
Digestive Health: Alleviates digestive disorders.
Skin Health: Heals skin irritations.
Mints (Mentha species)
Description: Mint plants have square stems, serrated leaves, and small flowers. They are known for their strong, refreshing scent.
Planting Season: Spring
Harvesting Season: Throughout the growing season
Digestive Health: Relieves digestive disorders.
Respiratory Health: Acts as a decongestant.
Pain Relief: Contains menthol, which reduces pain.
Oregano (Origanum vulgare)
Description: Oregano features small, oval leaves and pink or purple flowers. It has a pungent, spicy aroma.
Planting Season: Spring
Harvesting Season: Summer
Antimicrobial Properties: Fights infections.
Respiratory Health: Relieves respiratory conditions.
Digestive Health: Alleviates digestive disorders.
Passiflora (Passiflora incarnata)
Description: Passiflora, or passionflower, has intricate, fragrant flowers and lobed leaves.
Planting Season: Spring
Harvesting Season: Summer
Anxiety Reduction: Eases stress and anxiety.
Pain Relief: Reduces pain and inflammation.
Sleep Aid: Promotes restful sleep.
Purple Plantain (Plantago major)
Description: Purple Plantain has broad, ribbed leaves and small, greenish flowers. It has a mild, slightly earthy scent.
Planting Season: Spring
Harvesting Season: Summer
Wound Healing: Promotes healing of wounds and skin irritations.
Anti-inflammatory: Reduces pain and inflammation.
Digestive Health: Alleviates digestive disorders.
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)
Description: Rosemary has needle-like leaves and blue flowers. It has a strong, pine-like scent.
Planting Season: Spring
Harvesting Season: Summer
Cognitive Health: Improves memory and focus.
Respiratory Health: Relieves respiratory conditions.
Digestive Health: Alleviates digestive disorders.
Roses (Rosa species)
Description: Roses have thorny stems, compound leaves, and large, fragrant flowers in various colors.
Planting Season: Spring
Harvesting Season: Summer
Skin Health: Soothes and heals skin irritations.
Mental Health: Reduces stress and anxiety.
Digestive Health: Alleviates digestive disorders.
Sage (Salvia officinalis)
Description: Sage has grayish-green leaves and purple flowers. It has a strong, earthy aroma.
Planting Season: Spring
Harvesting Season: Summer
Cognitive Health: Improves memory and focus.
Respiratory Health: Relieves respiratory conditions.
Digestive Health: Alleviates digestive disorders.